

How can I react to Apollo errors in my components?

I'd like for example to display a red banner if a "network offline" error was thrown; or show a modal if an error of a certain type is displayed; or render a <Redirect> (from react-routed-dom) if another kind of error is thrown.

What I tried

I read the documentation chapter about error handling but it only explains how to setup an Apollo link that acts as a middleware to requests in order to catch errors there. As far as I know it's not possible to pass data from that link down to components given that it's a terminating link.

I tried to use error boundary components but it seems like Apollo errors are not really thrown. Not even when using the await syntax.

If downvoters would like to explain their downvotes that would be helpful.Shoe
Why would anyone give a downvote (actually 2) to a question?Stefano Magistri
There are trolls everywhere...Piranna

2 Answers


As you already pointed out, you could use the apollo-link-error package Link.

If you also use react-router-dom for routing between pages, it is possible to use the browser history or the Redirect component to redirect to an error page with a state object (routing history). The state object contains the error that you would like to show.

The setup could look like this:

  • Create browser history

import { History, createBrowserHistory } from 'history';
/* If using Typescript, you can make this object Readonly as follows */
export type ReadonlyBrowserHistory = Readonly<History>
const browserHistory: ReadonlyBrowserHistory = createBrowserHistory();

export default browserHistory;
  • Add Router with browser history (w/ option to make history properties readonly)

import browserHistory from './browserHistory'
import apolloClient from './apolloClient'


   <ApolloProvider client={apolloClient}>
      <Router history={browserHistory}>
         <App />
), document.getElementById("root"));
  • add link with routing to apollo client

import browserHistory from './browserHistory'

const errorLink = onError(({ networkError, graphQLErrors }) => {
   if (graphQLErrors) {
      browserHistory.push("/error", { errors: graphQLErrors });
   else if (networkError) {
      browserHistory.push("/error", { errors: networkError });

const httpLink = new HttpLink({
   uri: httpUri

const httpLinkWithErrorHandling = ApolloLink.from([

const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({

export default apolloClient;
  • The error page can retrieve the errors from the route location prop

const ErrorPage = ({ location: { state } }) => {


  return (<div>error page</div>)

I fixed my issue by setting the errorPolicy of the query to none then you can catch the graphQLErrors object thrown from the query.


    .catch((error) => { error.graphQLErrors });