I have a contact form where someone provides his name and email. I want to send him an email now with Laravel.
I found in the docs
To send a message, use the to method on the Mail facade. The to method accepts an email address, a user instance, or a collection of users.
and in fact
\Mail::to('[email protected]')->send(new \App\Mail\Hello);
works. But is it also possible to provide the name for the email receipt?
I wanted to look that up in the Laravel API for the Mail Facade but to my surprise the facade has no to function?
So how can I find out what the to function really does and if I can pass a name parameter as well?
facade gets aMailer
instance: you can find the docs here. laravel.com/api/5.5/Illuminate/Mail/Mailer.html – Emile PelsMailer
class? – Adam