I have a highly interconnected graph where starting from a specific node i want to find all nodes connected to it regardless of the relation type, direction or length. What i am trying to do is to filter out paths that include a node more than 1 times. But what i get is a
Neo.DatabaseError.General.UnknownError: key not found: UNNAMED27
I have managed to create a much simpler database in neo4j sandbox and get the same message again using the following data:
CREATE (n1:Person { pid:1, name: 'User1'}),
(n2:Person { pid:2, name: 'User2'}),
(n3:Person { pid:3, name: 'User3'}),
(n4:Person { pid:4, name: 'User4'}),
(n5:Person { pid:5, name: 'User5'})
With the following relationships:
MATCH (n1{pid:1}),(n2{pid:2}),(n3{pid:3}),(n4{pid:4}),(n5{pid:5})
CREATE (n1)-[r1:RELATION]->(n2),
The Cypher Query that causes this issue in the above model is
MATCH p= (n:Person{pid:1})-[*0..]-(m)
WHERE ALL(c IN nodes(p) WHERE 1=size(filter(d in nodes(p) where c.pid = d.pid)) )
return m
Can anybody see what is wrong with this query?