What I'm looking for
With variable length relationships (see here in the neo4j manual), it is possible to have a variable number of relationships with a certain label between two nodes.
# Cypher
match (g1:Group)-[:sub_group*]->(g2:Group) return g1, g2
I'm looking for the same thing with nodes, i.e. a way to query for two nodes with a variable number of nodes in between, but with a label condition on the nodes rather than the relationships:
# Looking for something like this in Cypher:
match (g1:Group)-->(:Group*)-->(g2:Group) return g1, g2
I would use this mechanism, for example, to find all (direct or indirect) members of a group within a group structure.
# Looking for somthing like this in Cypher:
match (group:Group)-->(:Group*)-->(member:User) return member
Take, for example, this structure:
|-------> group2:Group -------> user1:User
|-------> group3:Group
|--------> page1:Page -----> group4:Group -----> user2:User
In this example, user1
is a member of group1
and group2
, but user2
is only member of group4
, not member of the other groups, because a non-Group
labeled node is in between.
A more abstract pattern would be a kind of repeat operator |...|*
in Cypher:
# Looking for repeat operator in Cypher:
match (g1:Group)|-[:is_subgroup_of]->(:Group)|*-[:is_member_of]->(member:User)
return member
Does anyone know of such a repeat operator? Thanks!