
I am integration onenote with my application. I am using below mentioned API to retrieve all notebooks that a user can potentially access to.


I am able to retrieve all the notebooks owned by me and shared with me. The problem is in case on business account I am not able to further access the pages and sections which are inside shared notebooks. For all owned notebooks I can still access the pages and sections. How I can resolve this issue ?

This is a blocker for me. Kindly revert

How are you trying to access the notebooks' sections after doing the API call "incliudeSharedNotebooks=true"?Jorge Aguirre
Once I receive the shared notebook I call get section API with shared notebookId. Here the endpoint I am using is - me/onenote/notebook/{I'd}/sections. I am not able to use /users endpoint since I don't have userId of the user who has shared notebook with mePooja Dhannawat

1 Answers


Have you tried accessing the notebooks by site?

  1. Call the API
  2. For any given notebook that doesn't belong to the owner, look for the site id given the site URL
  3. Use that site id to do a ~sites/id/notes/... request

In Graph, you might be able to look up the site by keyword. Example:
