
I am using MS graph API to get all notebooks including shared notebooks using: https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/onenote/notebooks?includesharednotebooks=true

Sample response I received on API call is as - enter image description here

In this notebook with "displayName": "For pooja" is created by another user and shared with me. Notebook with "displayName": "Pooja_Work_1" is created by me. In createdBy field for the notebook created by me reflects the correct user id and displayName. Whereas for the notebook shared with me the createdBy field user displayName has correct value but user id has my id. Ideally it must be user's id who has created this.

Seems like a bug in API.

In order to access the shared notebook how I can get userId of user who has shared notebook with me. On groupId in case of group shared notebooks.

Both users belong to same organisation.

I can't think of a way to get it. This is most likely why includesharednotebooks=true is not documented.Marc LaFleur
In there any way to get id of the user who has shared the notebook with me. I have list of notebooks shared with me.Pooja Dhannawat

1 Answers


Sorry Pooja. Currently this is a known limitation in this particular API. We are unable to retrieve the ID of the user who created or modified the shared notebook. Hence, the ID is currently set to the request user