While the Graph API supports webhook updates to Business OneDrive "driveItems" and OneNote notebooks are driveItems, we are only getting notifications from our personal OneDrive account.
We subscribed for webhooks on Business OneDrive account and got the following response --
stdClass Object
[@odata.context] => graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#subscriptions/$entity
[id] => fc4e68d1-9c8f-4fe8-89cd-90fb4b08b38f
[resource] => me/drive/root
[applicationId] => 0fb59cce-3499-486e-a05c-4d994644f80a
[changeType] => updated
[clientState] =>
[notificationUrl] => mydomain.com/users/testGraphWebhook
[expirationDateTime] => 2019-04-12T11:00:00.117Z
[creatorId] => 12345678 (altered for privacy)
We have gotten similar successful response subscribing for personal OneDrive account.
For the personal account, we are getting notifications for every change in OneNote pages, but no notifications are coming for OneNote pages stored on Business OneDrive despite the successful subscription.
Is it possible to get notifications for changes made in OneNote pages of Business Account? How can we can change the subscription request or other code to accomplish this?