Please I have problems manipulating arithmetic operations with doubles in chisel. I have been seeing examples that uses just the following types: Int,UInt,SInt. I saw here that arithmetic operations where described only for SInt and UInt. What about Double? I tried to declare my output out as Double, but didn't know how. Because the output of my code is Double. Is there a way to declare in Bundle an input and an output of type Double?
Here is my code:
class hashfunc(val k:Int, val n: Int ) extends Module {
val a = k + k
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val b=Input(UInt(k.W))
val w=Input(UInt(k.W))
var out = Output(UInt(a.W))
val tabHash1 = new Array[Array[Double]](n)
val x = new ArrayBuffer[(Double, Data)]
val tabHash = new Array[Double](tabHash1.size)
for (ind <- tabHash1.indices){
var sum=0.0
for (ind2 <- 0 until x.size){
sum += ( x(ind2) * tabHash1(ind)(ind2) )
tabHash(ind) = ((sum + io.b) / io.w)
io.out := tabHash.reduce(_ + _)
When I compile the code, I get the following error: code error
Thank you for your kind attention, looking forward to your responses.
tag in it? – Serge