
neo4j nodes and relationships

This is quite a tough job. I'm trying to find all nodes with two-way relationships starting from a specific node. Based on the image above, I would like to find all two-way relationships starting from node 1. Only nodes with two-way relationships match. For example, node 1,3,4 matches and node 1,2,3 matches as two separate groups. However, if node 2 and 4 has a two-way relationship, then node 1,2,3,4 matches as one group. The main idea is that all nodes are linked both ways in such a group. My idea is to find all nodes with two-way relationships starting from 1 and continue processing, but I'm not able to continue. Can anyone help me with this problem, thanks a lot. By the way, only the largest 'two-way-circle' is needed.

Any one can help? So difficult.Tongliang Li

1 Answers


Your problem looks a lot like finding strongly connected components in the graph. As defined in the docs.

A directed graph is strongly connected if there is a path between all pairs of vertices ( nodes ). This algorithms treats the graph as directed, so the direction of the relationship is important and strongly connected compoment exists only if there are relationships between nodes in both direction.

Check out more in the documentation. You will need neo4j-graph-algorithms.

Example query with writing back the component of the graph to the node.

CALL algo.scc('Label','C', {write:true,partitionProperty:'partition'})
YIELD loadMillis, computeMillis, writeMillis, setCount, maxSetSize, minSetSize  

And then you can find your biggest component with the following query.

MATCH (u:Label)
RETURN distinct(u.partition) as partition,count(*) as size_of_partition 
ORDER by size_of_partition DESC LIMIT 1