I would like to find out all the incoming and outgoing relationships for a node. I tried couple of queries suggested in other questions but not having much luck. These are the two I tried
MATCH (a:User {username: "user6"})-[r*]-(b)
RETURN a, r, b
I only have 500 nodes and it runs forever. I gave up after an hour.
I tried this
MATCH (c:User {username : 'user6'})-[r:*0..1]-(d)
WITH c, collect(r) as rs
RETURN c, rs
But I get this error
WARNING: Invalid input '*': expected whitespace or a rel type name (line 1, column 35 (offset: 34))
"MATCH (c {username : 'user6'})-[r:*0..1]-(d)"
What would be correct way to get all the relationships for a node?
I'm using version 3.0.3
MATCH (c:User {username : 'user6'})-[r*0..1]-(d)
. The colon is for labels only. – mcv