If precision matters and you require consistent results, here are a few propositions that will return the decimal part of any number as a string, including the leading "0.". If you need it as a float, just add var f = parseFloat( result )
in the end.
If the decimal part equals zero, "0.0" will be returned. Null, NaN and undefined numbers are not tested.
1. String.split
var nstring = (n + ""),
narray = nstring.split("."),
result = "0." + ( narray.length > 1 ? narray[1] : "0" );
2. String.substring, String.indexOf
var nstring = (n + ""),
nindex = nstring.indexOf("."),
result = "0." + (nindex > -1 ? nstring.substring(nindex + 1) : "0");
3. Math.floor, Number.toFixed, String.indexOf
var nstring = (n + ""),
nindex = nstring.indexOf("."),
result = ( nindex > -1 ? (n - Math.floor(n)).toFixed(nstring.length - nindex - 1) : "0.0");
4. Math.floor, Number.toFixed, String.split
var nstring = (n + ""),
narray = nstring.split("."),
result = (narray.length > 1 ? (n - Math.floor(n)).toFixed(narray[1].length) : "0.0");
Here is a jsPerf link: https://jsperf.com/decpart-of-number/
We can see that proposition #2 is the fastest.
n = Math.floor(n);
is only returning your desired result (the integer portion) for non-negative numbers – tsemer% 1
not% 2
– masterxilodecimalPart = number - Math.floor(number)
further, you can add precision to it.parseFloat(decimalPart.toPrecision(3))
// floating point with precision till 3 digits – Abhishek chandel