I want to create a bandpass filter that filters my audio signal into an arbitrary amount of equally sized sub-bands. Now I'm trying to achieve this using a Butterworth filter (is this a good solution for a problem of this nature?).
Let's say I have a signal with a sampling frequency of 1200Hz, and thus a Nyquist frequency of 600Hz. Now I want to decompose this signal into three different sub-bands, each of length 200Hz. How do I achieve this?
I've tried reading up on the documentation, but I still need some clearing up: as I've understood it, I want to use the following overloaded butter()-function:
butter(#order, [min_freq, max_freq]/nyq_freq)
Is this correct? It says the minimum and maximum frequencies must be in the interval (0,1) - how do I go about creating the first and final sub-bands? Just choose arbitrary small/big values (0.0001 and 0.9999)? And what does the #order do? Is it true that an higher order gives more exact cutoff on the signal but that it then requires a more extensive computation?