given the 1D signal data, I am asked to apply butterworth filter. it is mentioned that it has to be zero-phase digital filter, 2nd order and cutoff frequency = 10 Htz.
I have the following questions:
- I understand zero-phase digital filtering. But does that mean while designing butterworth filter I should pass 'n' as 1? because forward and backword will make it 2.
We are NOT provided sampling frequency. Had it been provided, I would have used the following method:
fs = 1000 % let us say fc = 10 % cutoff Wn = fc / (fs / 2) [b, a] = butter(2, Wn)
but fs
is not provided. Then should I directly use 0.1 as 2nd parameter to butter
We are also provided with the time of the each data point in the signal. Is there a way to compute a sampling frequency from these times?
Your help is appreciated.