let say that we have signal with sampling frequency 100 hertz,i want to design FIR filter so that cut all frequency that are outsize of frequency range 15-20,if we convert it to the normalized frequency we will get 15/50=0.3 and 0.4,i know that for example i can use butter to design filter,for example like there http://www.emba.uvm.edu/~gmirchan/classes/EE275/Lab5.pdf
but could you help me please to design bandpass filter in matlab?let say we have some signal s(t),
this command
[b a] = butter(2, 400/(fs/2));
designs a second order Butterworth filter with cutoff frequency 400 and then this command
y = filter(b,a,swn);
filters given signal, but instead of one cut-off frequency, I need range 15-20, so how can I apply bandpass filter?