
Please consider this simple example

nb_samples = 100000
X = np.random.randn(nb_samples)
Y = X[1:]
X = X[:-1]
X = X.reshape((len(Y), 1, 1))
Y = Y.reshape((len(Y), 1))

So we have basically

Y[i] = X[i-1]

and the model is simply a lag operator.

I can learn this model with a stateless LSTM, but I want here to understand and apply stateful LSTMs in Keras.

So I try to learn this model with a stateful LSTM, by giving the pairs of values (x, y) one by one (batch_size = 1)

model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(batch_input_shape=(1, 1, 1),
               output_dim =10,
               activation='tanh', stateful=True
model.add(Dense(output_dim=1, activation='linear'))
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')

for epoch in range(50):
              nb_epoch = 1,
              verbose = 2,
              batch_size = 1,
              shuffle = False)

But the model does not learn anything.

As per Marcin suggestion, I modified the training code as follows:

for epoch in range(10000):
    train_loss = 0
    for i in range(Y_train.shape[0]):
        train_loss += model.train_on_batch(X_train[i:i+1],
    print '# epoch', epoch, '  loss ', train_loss/float(Y_train.shape[0])

but I am still seeing a mean loss around 1, which is the standard deviation of my randomly generated data, so the model does not seem to learn.

Am I having something wrong?

Have you tried to increase the number of units? You want your network to memoize completely random pattern of length 10000 - so in fact it should be memoized completely as a sequence. 10 units might simply be not enough for this. You could also decrease the sequence length or try to check some continous function (like sin or polynomial). At this moment your architecture seems to be to simple for your task.Marcin Możejko
@volatile LSTM often learn running averages. The running average of randn will be 0. If this is your output then the learning actually succeeded. Try learning something meaningful.nemo
@nemo : Thanks for the answers. I am not learning a random pattern of length 10000 but a pattern in which the output at t should be the input at t-1. What I hoped is that the network will learn to simply put the input x[t] in its hidden state, then at t+1, return its hidden state as output y[t+1], and replaces the hidden state by x[t+1], and do like that recursively. Obviously, I can achieve this by using a stateless LSTM with a moving window, but wanted to have the result with a stateful onevolatile

1 Answers


As you may read here even though your model states are not reset due to statefulness of your network - a parameters of your optimizer are - and due to the fact that optimizers are extremely important in recurrent neural network training - resetting their states might be extremely harmful for your training. In order to prevent that try:

for epoch in range(50):

A train_on_batch method doesn't reset your optimizer states what could make your training possible.