Am trying to implement a hierarchical chat bot capitalizing LUIS to identify primary and secondary intents. As part of this created numerous LUIS models and trained. However the behavior of the LUIS is observed weird and unpredicted at various instances. For instance, got a LUIS model named Leave trained with following utterances.
Utterance Intent Am I eligible for leave of adoption? Leave Query What is my leave balance? Leave Query What is sick leave? Leave Query Who approves my sick leave? Leave Approval
Upon training these utterances, the queries against those on leave context are working as expected. However when the following messages are validated against the Leaves Model with the expectation of receiving “None” intent, LUIS is returning intents other than “None”, which is not making any sense.
Query Expected Intent Actual Intent Am I eligible for loan? None Leave Query What is my loan balance None Leave Query Who approves my loan None Leave Query
The issue here is “Am I eligible for loan” doesn’t belong to this LUIS model at all and am expecting a “None” intent. The idea is to receive a None intent when the utterance doesn’t belong to queried LUIS model, so that can check other models for valid intent. However am always getting some intent instead of “none”.
Not sure if I am doing something wrong here. Any help/guidance on this would be much helpful.