I have very large data that I trained in LUIS. Most of the intents have utterances that are very very closely related to each other and hence LUIS is unable to point out to correct intent after training.
For example, take two intent1 and intent2
Example 1:
intent1: Credit Card transactions are not showing up in my TE
intent2: Credit card is not showing in HR mini ( This is incorrectly predicted, directing to intent1)
Example 2:
intent1: My email is locked out
intent2: Locked out ( This is incorrectly predicted, directing to intent1)
intent1 is trained with more number of utterance approx 50 which have words like credit, transaction, email but intent2 is not trained with many.
So after training when I am asking intent 2 queries, Luis is predicting incorrectly and taking me to intent 1.
Can someone help me out in knowing like how we can carefully train the model with these kinds of utterances