
I'm working on Xamarin.Forms project. Before Prism 6.3 I used 6.2 with Corcav.Behaviors package. I didn't need to pass parameters, so it worked good. But, in iOS project in AppDelegate I needed to run this line:


I had a comment: //Added to prevent iOS linker to strip behaviors assembly out of deployed package.

Now EventToCommand was added to 6.3 version, so I uninstalled Corcav.Behaviors package and implemented simple example. In Android everything works great, but the iOS.. I have exception:

enter image description here

I think this is because now I'm missing this line: Corcav.Behaviors.Infrastructure.Init();

My example:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
  <v:TestGrid x:Name="MainGrid">
      <behavior:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="OnTestTapped" 
                                        Command="{Binding OnTestTappedCommand}" 

my custom gird:

public class TestGrid : Grid
    public event EventHandler<OnTouchedEventArgs> OnTestTapped;

    public TestGrid()
        var tgr = new TapGestureRecognizer { NumberOfTapsRequired = 1 };
        tgr.Tapped += Tgr_Tapped;

    private void Tgr_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e)
        OnTouchedEventArgs args = new OnTouchedEventArgs(6);
        OnTestTapped?.Invoke(sender, args);


public class StartPageViewModel : BindableBase
    private bool _canExecute;
    private ICommand onTestTappedCommand;

    public StartPageViewModel()
        _canExecute = true;

    public ICommand OnTestTappedCommand
            return onTestTappedCommand ?? (onTestTappedCommand = 
                    new Command<int>((foo) => HandleEvent(foo), 
                                     (foo) => CanExecute(foo)));

    public async void HandleEvent(int a)
        _canExecute = false;
        Status = $"Working with parameter={a}...";
        Debug.WriteLine("Test with param=" + a);
        await Task.Delay(5000);
        Status = "Done";
        _canExecute = true;

    public bool CanExecute(int a)
        return _canExecute;

.. and my custom EventArgs:

public class OnTouchedEventArgs : EventArgs
    public int Foo { get; set; }

    public OnTouchedEventArgs(int foo)
        Foo = foo;

I works 100% on Android, doesn't work on iOS.

QUESTION: How can I Infrastructure.Init in Prism.Behaviors?


I think there might be more errors than I thought... as you can see in my ViewModel, I'm using ICommand and Command class from Xamarin.Forms namespace:

    private ICommand onTestTappedCommand;        
    public ICommand OnTestTappedCommand
            return onTestTappedCommand ?? (onTestTappedCommand = 
                    new Command<int>((foo) => HandleEvent(foo), 
                                     (foo) => CanExecute(foo)));

It works on Android, BUT.. when I change to DelegateCommand:

        return onTestTappedCommand ?? (onTestTappedCommand = 
                new DelegateCommand<int>((foo) => HandleEvent(foo), 
                                 (foo) => CanExecute(foo)));

Android doesn't work as well. Then I have a runtime exception:

Unhandled Exception: System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

and.. the project complies, but in Start.xaml.cs I have an error:

InitializeComponent() does not exist in the current context

PS. Please help me, and please don't tell me to clear the solution/ remove bin obj folders... it doesn't work.


1 Answers


There is no init needed. From the exception you are showing my suggestion would be to do a complete clean and rebuild. Make sure that all of the files in your obj and bin folders are deleted.


public DelegateCommand<string> PersonSelectedCommand => new DelegateCommand<string>(OnPersonSelectedCommandExecuted);

public ObservableRangeCollection<string> People { get; set; }

void OnPersonSelectedCommandExecuted(string name)
    _pageDialogService.DisplayAlertAsync("Person Selected", name, "Ok" );


<ListView ItemsSource="{Binding People}">
        <behaviors:EventToCommandBehavior Command="{Binding PersonSelectedCommand}" 
                                          EventArgsParameterPath="Item" />