
I want to change value of ViewModel property (which is binded with DataContext). Extremely easy with classic Events, with Commands it becomes formidable task. This is my code:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
        ViewModel _vm = new ViewModel();
        public MainWindow()

            _vm.BtnClick = new BtnClick();

            DataContext = _vm;

public class BtnClick : ICommand
        public event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged
            add { CommandManager.RequerySuggested += value; }
            remove { CommandManager.RequerySuggested -= value; }

        public bool CanExecute(object parameter)
            return true;

        public void Execute(object parameter)

public class ViewModel
        public ICommand BtnClick { get; set; }
        public string Input { get; set; }
        public string Output { get; set; }
        <TextBox Text="{Binding Input}"></TextBox>
        <TextBlock Text="{Binding Output}"></TextBlock>
        <Button Command="{Binding Path=BtnClick}" CommandParameter="{Binding Input}">Translate</Button>

Command properly takes value from TextBox, now i want to do things with this value and save it to Output. And problem is from Command perspective i cannot access both DataContext and ViewModel.

What makes you think you need access to the DataContext? What's the problem you're trying to solve? The Command instance should really be defind in your ViewModel, not in the View.Peregrine
In order to change TextBlock Text, i have to access ViewModel. There is no other way.AdmiralCat3
The whole point of MVVM is that you do all updates through ViewModel properties and the corresponding UI controls will be updated via data binding. This does require that your ViewModel implements INotifyPropertyChanged though.Peregrine

1 Answers


The implementation of any command is usually in a viewmodel.

A framework or helper class is routinely used.

For example:


public class MyViewModel { .....

public ICommand MyCommand => new RelayCommand(
   () =>
    //execute action
    Message = "clicked Button";
  () =>
    //return true if button should be enabled or not
    return true;


Here, there is an anonymous method with that "clicked button" in it.

This will capture variables in the parent viewmodel.

You may therefore set a public property in the viewmodel that's bound to the text property in your view.

For the view to respond you will need to implement inotifypropertychanged and raise property changed in the setter of that public property.


From the above.

If PersonName was bound to a textblock in the view.

  public string PersonName
      get { return name; }
          name = value;
          // Call OnPropertyChanged whenever the property is updated

In the command you can do:

 PersonName = "Andy";

Which calls the setter of PersonName and a textblock bound to PersonName will read the new value.