
I followed the instructions at pages.github.com to create a user name repository. Then I used the github repository settings to choose a Jekyll theme.

At some point I was prompted to generate a README.md file, however no index.html was added to the repository.

enter image description here

If I create index.html then the problem disapears, but I am wondering why readme.md displays like this

I created the readme.md using the Jekyll modernist theme. Later I changed to the tactile theme but this did not change the title.

The first actual line of my readme.md is

Welcome to GitHub Pages

2 Answers


Edit _config.yml and add title and description you would like to have instead of the default repository name. e.g.:

  title: Kirsten Greed
  description: Cognitive Load

Those fields are filled with information from your repository.

The name is kreed.github.io, and I am guessing your repository description is "Cognitive Load" right?

You could change them by using a custom site rather than a generated one.