I have a repository with a wiki full of over 80 pages. I want to render an index of all the wiki pages on the Jekyll (GitHub Pages) site for the project, as well as render each page on the site using a custom layout, and using the styles of the rest of the site.
To do this, my first instinct was to use git submodules to include the pages from the wiki (which GitHub exposes as a git repo) in the Jekyll site's repo. But that's as far as I got: As far as I can tell, there is nowhere that Jekyll will accept markdown files that don't conform as a post. They aren't named with a date, and they don't have any frontmatter, so Jekyll just ignores them.
To get around this, I would normally just write a plugin to do what I wanted. But because the site is hosted on GitHub pages, it won't allow any plugins that I create.
So, I really don't know how to proceed. Is it even possible without custom plugins?