
I created index.md for my GitHub pages site with the following in index.md

title: This is my title
layout: default
## Welcome to GitHub Pages My Index.md

I am just editing the index.md directly in the GitHub editor. I have not installed Jekyll locally.

What do I change so that the generated source does not have my repository name in the title ? Looking at the source I have enter image description here

I have tried changing the theme.

I also tried experimented with adding a header.html to the _includes folder

This caused me to start receiving emails with subject containing "Page build failed"

Since then I have removed all the folders. I no longer get the "Page build failed" email, but I am unsure of how to proceed.

Studying help.github.com/articles/… I copied the default.html as described. I think I need to change the line <title>{{ site.title | default: site.github.repository_name }} by {{ site.github.owner_name }}</title>Kirsten

3 Answers


GitHub Pages silently sets default layouts using jekyll-default-layout, as described in Publishing with GitHub Pages, now as easy as 1, 2, 3.

To avoid this, you can create your own _layouts/default.html, which should look something like this:

    {{ content }}

And then apply the layout to your files:

layout: default


If you want to include the page title in the title tag, you can do something like this instead of the _layouts/default.html above:

    <title>{{ page.title }}</title>
    {{ content }}

Which will use the title in your YAML front matter:

layout: default
title: Title


For more information, take a look at the Jekyll documentation:



The site title can be set in _config.yml

However it seems that the _layout\default.html is also required to make the setting work.

The help to set up the default.html is here under the title "Customizing your Jekyll theme's HTML layout"



Post content will mention name of layout file which will be in _layout folder. So for following post corresponding layout will be in _layouts/default.html

title: This is a post with default layout
layout: default
Some text for post

Typically default.html layout consumes files head.html and header.html inside _includes folder.


Now you have to look at markdown of your page or post and identify its parent layout (inside _layouts) and from there drill-down into _includes. This will allow you to trace lines those are getting generated into output html. Also you can have your own _includes and _layouts for custom html output.