I'm using VisualStudio Code, and trying to enable IntelliSense. It seems to be dependent on typings
. How can I install these offline? In PowerShell, running
typings search leaflet
returned an error (unsurprising, because I'm offline).
Unable to connect to "https://api.typings.org/search?query=leaflet"
Running that web query on an online computer resulted in a difficult to read JSON file. A further google search resulted in this likely candidate: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/leaflet/index.d.ts
My question has three parts, and I'd appreciate pointers on any of these.
1) How can I figure out what typings I need?
2) Which files do I need to take to the offline computer? Do I just need the d.ts file?
2) Where should this file be installed so that VS Code can read it?