
Following the method here I'm trying to answer an audio call initiated with a Chrome browser from an iPhone simulator(with React Native).

A summary of the event sequence:

  1. received call signal
  2. got local stream
  3. sent join call signal
  4. received remote description(offer),
  5. created PeerConnection
  6. added local stream
  7. received candidate
  8. added candidate
  9. 7 and 8 repeated 15 times (that is 16 times in total)
  10. onnegotiationneeded triggered
  11. signalingState changed into have-remote-offer
  12. onaddstream triggered
  13. the callback function of setRemoteDescription was triggered, created answer.
  14. signalingState changed into stable
  15. iceconnectionstate changed into checking
  16. onicecandidate triggered for the first time.
  17. emited the candidate from 15
  18. onicecandidate triggered for the 2nd time. The candidate is null
  19. iceconnectionstate changed into closed

Step 7,8,9 may appear at different places after 6 and before 19.

I have been stuck on this problem for quite a while. I don't even know what to debug at this time. What are the possible causes of the closing of connection? I can post more logs if needed.

One observation is that the two RTCEvent corresponding to iceconnectionstatechange has the following properties:


The target RTCPeerConnection has


Here are my functions to handle remoteOffer and remoteCandidates:

WebRTCClass.prototype.onRemoteOffer = function(data) {
  var ref;
  if (this.active !== true) {
  var peerConnection = this.getPeerConnection(data.from);
  console.log('onRemoteOffer', data,peerConnection.signalingState);

  if (peerConnection.iceConnectionState !== 'new') {
  var onSuccess = (function(_this){
    return function(){
      console.log("setRemoteDescription onSuccess function");
      _this.getLocalUserMedia((function(_this) {
          return function(onSuccess,stream) {
            var onAnswer = (function(_this) {
              return function(answer) {
                var onLocalDescription = function() {
                  return _this.transport.sendDescription({
                    to: data.from,
                    type: 'answer',
                    ts: peerConnection.createdAt,
                    description: {
                      sdp: answer.sdp,
                      type: answer.type
                return peerConnection.setLocalDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(answer), onLocalDescription, _this.onError);
            return peerConnection.createAnswer(onAnswer, _this.onError);
  return peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(data.description),onSuccess,console.warn);

WebRTCClass.prototype.onRemoteCandidate = function(data) {
  var peerConnection, ref;
  if (this.active !== true) {
  if (data.to !== this.selfId) {
  console.log('onRemoteCandidate', data);
  peerConnection = this.getPeerConnection(data.from);
  if ((ref = peerConnection.iceConnectionState) !== "closed" && ref !== "failed" && ref !== "disconnected" && ref !== "completed") {
    peerConnection.addIceCandidate(new RTCIceCandidate(data.candidate));
I suspect that react-native-webrtc works slightly different from the original webrtc package. But I'm very new to this, so it is also possible that I'm not following the right track of webrtc protocolDanny Wang
Are the simulator and browser in same network? Are you using any STUN or TURN servers in createpeerconnection? Do you have ios or chrome libjingle logs?manishg
The simulator and browser are in the same network ( The peerconnection was created with STUN server set to stun:stun.l.google.com:19302. I'm not sure what is libjingle log or how to turn it on. Could you pls point me a reference? I have some more detailed logs generated with the codes.Danny Wang

1 Answers


I found that if I call the following two functions one by one, then it will work.

peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(data.description),onSuccess,console.warn);
(...definition of onAnswer ...)
peerConnection.createAnswer(onAnswer, this.onError); 

My previous codes called createAnswer within the onSuccess callback of setRemoteDescription. That did work for the react-native-webrtc demo, but not with Rocket.Chat. Still don't fully understand it. But my project can move on now.