
I am about to build a videoconferencing system using webRTC+socket.io+node.js, so I have read this book as start point "Real Time communications with webRTC" by Simon Pietro Romano, I already finished reading it, I am gonna run this system over a 100 Mbps local network, so I am gonna use the mesh network topology since bandwidth is no an issue here, I don't wanna focus on this, I just have a simple question on working with many users, specifically on using these functions:

var pc // PeerConnection Object

pc.onaddstream = ...//for receiving stream from remote party
pc.setRemoteDescription()...//for setting .sdp file from remote party

I know I have to make a peer-to-peer connection on each peer, but Let's suppose that I have 3 users: A, B and C.

A is gonna be the room initiator, then B joins the room, here A sends an offer to B and receives an answer from B, A setRemoteDescription(answerB) and B setRemoteDescription(offerA), but when C joins the room, A and B will be its initiators, so both of them will be send offers to C, and C will send answers to them, here is my confusion:

When C first receives offer from A, this is C setRemoteDescription(offerA), but when receiving offer from B, this is C setRemoteDescription(offerB), I am setting a new value here and losing the previous offer from A, is this procedure just temporary?, isn't C going to need the A offer anymore?, I know this sdp file just contains webbrowser media info. I have the same doubt with onaddstream, Does this procedure automatically catch stream from one peer and then from another peer?, A first catch B's stream and second from C when this last one joined the room?, Does A lose B's stream when catching C's?.

On the other hand, addIceCandidate just adds remote candidates to each peer, so a local peer have the remote peers routes, it never loses the remote peers routes, I think, Am I right?

I have found source code about webRTC videoconferencing and I have seen that onaddstream and setRemoteDescription are like temporary functions, once the connection between peers is set, those are not neccesary anymore, I don't know, maybe I am wrong.

Thanks in advance.

i guess the mistake you are making is using a single PeerConnection object, you are going to need one for each call...mido
You are right man, thank you.Jose Ricardo Citerio Alcala

1 Answers


When C first receives offer from A, this is C setRemoteDescription(offerA), but when receiving offer from B, this is C setRemoteDescription(offerB), I am setting a new value here and losing the previous offer from A, is this procedure just temporary?, isn't C going to need the A offer anymore?

You will need to have a peer connection (pc) in your client side per each other participant, you will do something similar to:

socket.on('offer', function(from, data) {
    users[from].pc.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(data));
    // create answer..

Note that the Node server is sending the offer along with the id of the user who is sending it. Also, users will contain an entry per room participant with a reference to its pc. You will be adding the remote description for each participant to their own pc.

There are plenty of examples in internet, mine is on http://github.com/jconde/euphony :)