I have started to look into WebRTC a bit and I am using it to build a simple peer to peer chat application using the data channel. I have the following questions:
Do I need to establish a RTCPeerConnection to each peer I want to talk to? So if there are three peers they each need 2 RTCPeerConnections (unless I use one of the peers as a sort of ad-hoc server).
If peer A sends out a candidate and sdp when creating a offer to peer B. Can peer B connect to peer A using that info and send its answer (with candidate and its sdp) over the RTCPeerConnection, i.e. using the RTCPeerConnection (before it's been completely established) as a signaling channel? I would assume that when the offer is created by peer A it starts to listen for connections on some port.
My understanding of WebRTC is a bit limited so if I've missunderstood some concept of WebRTC in my questions above please point them out!