Scenario -
- A wants to stream his webcam to B
- B just wants to view, and won't share anything
- Basically one way stream from A => B
A create's offer and sends it over
At B's side
Get an offer from "A"
[Offer removed]
Set it as Remote Description
Signal State changes to SignalingStateHaveRemoteOffer
OnAddStream is called
label: PiB7Ij4lDsH9D8SxYIOyYBQcnd0tWWnTALtO, video: [a83c8794-aec4-4077-b06b-d218c8e18e74] is called
B Create's Answer (No constraints for now)
On Success is called
This is the anwer (as no streams exist it's recvonly)
[Edit:Answer removed]
Set this Answer as local sdp
Signal State changes to SignalingStateStable
ICE Connection becomes ICEConnectionStateChecking
setLocalDescriptionOnSuccess is called
Gathering state becomes ICEGatheringStateGathering
Bunch of onIceCandidate events
ICE fails now.
ICEConnectionState => ICEConnectionStateFailed
I've not even started adding trickled ICE Candidates from A yet.
Why does this happen?