
I have an array of points, each point consists of a x and y, the x is a timestamp, y is the actual data.

I have created a time series plot in Javascript and I would like to curve fit the data and draw the curve.

Can anyone help me to achieve this?

My list of points:

    {fltX: 0, fltY: 55.932203389830505}
    {fltX: 1.8237082066869301, fltY: 55.932203389830505}
    {fltX: 3.6474164133738602, fltY: 55.932203389830505}
    {fltX: 5.47112462006079, fltY: 55.932203389830505}
    {fltX: 7.2948328267477205, fltY: 81.35593220338983}

The X co-ordinates have already been scaled to the X axis. I'm not looking for someone to write the code for me, however a good tutorial or guide would be very much appreciated.

Do you want to find how to perform regression? Or how to draw a curve?kennytm
@kennytm, to be honest, I'm not sure, all I can tell you is that at the moment, I draw the poly line that is the result of the contents of the array and I would like to display the same data as a curve.SPlatten
You want to draw something like this? i.stack.imgur.com/ZIljM.png Which library you are using to draw the poly line?kennytm
@kennytm, yes, like that, I'm not using any library, just drawing on a canvas using moveTo and lineTo.SPlatten
Ah. In this case, if you are doing it for a product, I suggest you just use chart.js which handle how to draw a graph for you.kennytm

2 Answers


You may be interested in genetic-js. To quote from the project page:

From a plot of vertices, this genetic algorithm optimizes a continious function to best fit the data (aka least squared error). Genetic.js automatically runs the algorithm in the background with web workers so that the UI experience isn't compromised.

An elaborate example is available here.


An HTML5 canvas may tackle your need:


var hpms = {};

hpms.Graph = function( canvasId ) {
   this.MARGIN  = 30;
   this.canvas  = document.getElementById( canvasId );
   this.ctx     = this.canvas.getContext("2d");
   this.offsetY = this.canvas.height - this.MARGIN;

hpms.Graph.prototype.drawAxis = function( canvas ) {
   this.ctx.moveTo( 0                , this.offsetY );
   this.ctx.lineTo( this.canvas.width, this.offsetY );
   this.ctx.moveTo( this.MARGIN, this.canvas.height );
   this.ctx.lineTo( this.MARGIN, 0 );

   var dx     = ( this.canvas.width - 2*this.MARGIN ) / 3;
   var yText  = this.offsetY + 3*this.MARGIN/4;

   var x      = this.MARGIN + dx;
   var legend = "1 year";
   this.ctx.moveTo( x, 0 );
   this.ctx.lineTo( x, this.offsetY + this.MARGIN/2 );
   x -= this.ctx.measureText( legend ).width/2;
   this.ctx.strokeText( legend, x, yText );

   x = this.MARGIN + 2*dx;
   this.ctx.moveTo( x, 0 );
   this.ctx.lineTo( x, this.offsetY + this.MARGIN/2 );
   legend = "2 years";
   x -= this.ctx.measureText( legend ).width/2;
   this.ctx.strokeText( legend, x, yText );

   x = this.MARGIN + 3*dx;
   this.ctx.moveTo( x, 0 );
   this.ctx.lineTo( x, this.offsetY + this.MARGIN/2 );
   legend = "3 years";
   x -= this.ctx.measureText( legend ).width/2;
   this.ctx.strokeText( legend, x, yText );

   var dy = 4;
   for( var y = 0; y < this.offsetY; y += 100 ) {
      this.ctx.moveTo( this.MARGIN/2    , this.offsetY - y );
      this.ctx.lineTo( this.canvas.width, this.offsetY - y );
      legend = "" + y;
      this.ctx.strokeText( legend, 0, this.offsetY - y + dy );

   this.ctx.lineCap     = "round";
   this.ctx.lineWidth   = 1;
   this.ctx.strokeStyle = "lightgray";

hpms.Graph.prototype.drawLinear = function( fn, color ) {
   this.ctx.strokeStyle = color;
   this.ctx.lineWidth   = 5;
   this.ctx.moveTo( this.MARGIN, this.offsetY - fn.b );
   var x = this.canvas.width - 2*this.MARGIN;
   var y = fn.a*x + fn.b;
   this.ctx.lineTo( this.MARGIN + x, this.offsetY - y );

function draw() {
   var g = new hpms.Graph("canvas");
   g.drawAxis  ();
   g.drawLinear({a:0.25, b:200}, "darkgray");
   g.drawLinear({a:0.80, b: 30}, "rgb(16,65,96)");


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<html lang="en-US">
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