
Azure offers the posability to create a "Triggered" WebJob which e.g. schedules every day. Add Triggered WebJob

Furthermore, there is the azure-webjobs-sdk-extensions(https://github.com/Azure/azure-webjobs-sdk-extensions) which offers the possibility to create a TimerTrigger:

public static void TimerJob([TimerTrigger("00:00:30")] TimerInfo timer)
    Console.WriteLine("Timer job fired!");

Both things do exactly the same? Why is this in the SDK, the azure solution doesn't need a continous running job and thus is more efficient.

Any updates? Have you solved your issue?Bruce Chen
It's not really an issue, I just want to know why there are different ways for the same thing.Harald

1 Answers


[TimerTrigger] allows you to schedule an individual function within a Continuous WebJob. You can then have multiple functions within the WebJob with different schedules.

CRON expressions and Azure Scheduler will always run an entire WebJob.