
I've read and asked some questions on how to use DI using WebJob and especially Triggered Webjobs.

I still try to figure out how to integrate gracefully DI in triggered webjobs and @Steven asked me a good question :

Isn't there a way to wrap the execution of your service in some scope? For instance, MVC and Web API have an IDependencyScope abstraction for this. This notifies the starting and ending of a request. To be able to do scoping, you either need to have such interception point or you need to be able to wrap the call to JobActivator.

I know that I can start a scope inside my triggered function but I would like to know if there are any point of extensibility in the sdk that allow us to do scoping ?


Doesn't this answer on the post you linked already answer your question?TylerOhlsen
@TylerOhlsen, in fact not... I am able to create instance of my service each time my function is triggered but I am not able to find the proper scope so that I will be able to dispose resources... I will update my older answer. Thanks.Thomas
When I create Azure WebJobs, I create them as standard console applications; I don't use the SDK at all. In a standard console application, the Main method is the Composition Root. Problem solved.Mark Seemann
@MarkSeemann, I would like to take advantage of the webjob sdk ^^Thomas
I need this to be answered as well... I was using InRequestScope() because I copied it from my MVC app, but then it definitely doesn't work when you start running a static function multiple times. I would need to have something like .InWebJobScope()jsgoupil

1 Answers


I've opened an request Add IDependencyScope to handle scoping to the Azure Webjob team.

I've create a small library to gather classes around Azure Webjobs and SimpleInjector :

For QueueTrigger and ServiceBustrigger, I've come accross these solutions :

  • ServiceBusTrigger (from this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33759649/4167200):

    public sealed class ScopedMessagingProvider : MessagingProvider
        private readonly ServiceBusConfiguration _config;
        private readonly Container _container;
        public ScopedMessagingProvider(ServiceBusConfiguration config, Container container)
            : base(config)
            _config = config;
            _container = container;
        public override MessageProcessor CreateMessageProcessor(string entityPath)
            return new ScopedMessageProcessor(_config.MessageOptions, _container);
        private class ScopedMessageProcessor : MessageProcessor
            private readonly Container _container;
            public ScopedMessageProcessor(OnMessageOptions messageOptions, Container container)
                : base(messageOptions)
                _container = container;
            public override Task<bool> BeginProcessingMessageAsync(BrokeredMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                return base.BeginProcessingMessageAsync(message, cancellationToken);
            public override Task CompleteProcessingMessageAsync(BrokeredMessage message, FunctionResult result, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                return base.CompleteProcessingMessageAsync(message, result, cancellationToken);

    You can use your custom MessagingProvider in your JobHostConfiguration like

    var serviceBusConfig = new ServiceBusConfiguration
        ConnectionString = config.ServiceBusConnectionString
    serviceBusConfig.MessagingProvider = new ScopedMessagingProvider(serviceBusConfig, container);
  • QueueTrigger:

    public sealed class ScopedQueueProcessorFactory : IQueueProcessorFactory
        private readonly Container _container;
        public ScopedQueueProcessorFactory(Container container)
            _container = container;
        public QueueProcessor Create(QueueProcessorFactoryContext context)
            return new ScopedQueueProcessor(context, _container);
        private class ScopedQueueProcessor : QueueProcessor
            private readonly Container _container;
            public ScopedQueueProcessor(QueueProcessorFactoryContext context, Container container)
                : base(context)
                _container = container;
            public override Task<bool> BeginProcessingMessageAsync(CloudQueueMessage message, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                return base.BeginProcessingMessageAsync(message, cancellationToken);
            public override Task CompleteProcessingMessageAsync(CloudQueueMessage message, FunctionResult result,
                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                return base.CompleteProcessingMessageAsync(message, result, cancellationToken);

    You can use your custom IQueueProcessorFactory in your JobHostConfiguration like this:

     var config = new JobHostConfiguration();
     config.Queues.QueueProcessorFactory = new ScopedQueueProcessorFactory(container);