
In this question there's an example on how to use a webjob that can perform some background operations without interacting with azure table storage.

I tried to replicate the code in the answer but it's throwing the following error:

' 'Void ScheduleNotifications()' can't be invoked from Azure WebJobs SDK. Is it missing Azure WebJobs SDK attributes? '

In this link they have a similar error and in one of the answers it says that this was fixed in the 0.4.1-beta release. I'm running the 0.5.0-beta release and I'm experiencing the error.

Here's a copy of my code:

class Program
    static void Main()
        var config = new JobHostConfiguration(AzureStorageAccount.ConnectionString);
        var host = new JobHost(config);



    public static void ScheduleNotifications()
        //Do work

I want to know if I'm missing something or is this still a bug in the Webjobs SDK.

Update: Per Victor's answer, the Program class has to be public.

Working code:

public class Program
    static void Main()
        var config = new JobHostConfiguration(AzureStorageAccount.ConnectionString);
        var host = new JobHost(config);



    public static void ScheduleNotifications()
        //Do work

2 Answers


Unless you use a custom type locator, a function has to satisfy all conditions below:

  • it has to be public
  • it has to be static
  • it has to be non abstract
  • it has to be in a non abstract class
  • it has to be in a public class

Your function doesn't meet the last condition. If you make the class public it will work.

Also, if you use webjobs sdk 0.5.0-beta and you run a program with only the code in your example, you will see a message saying that no functions were found.


Came looking for an answer here, but didn't quite find it in the answer above, though everything he said is true. My problem was that I accidentally changed the inbound property names of a Azure web job so that they DIDN'T match the attributes of the object the function was supposed to catch. Duh!

For the concrete example:

my web job was listening for a queue message based on this class:

public class ProcessFileArgs
    public ProcessFileArgs();

    public string DealId { get; set; }
    public ProcessFileType DmsFileType { get; set; }
    public string Email { get; set; }
    public string Filename { get; set; }

But my public static async class in the Functions.cs file contained this as a function definition, where the declared parameters didn't match the names within the queue message class for which it was waiting:

    public static async Task LogAndLoadFile(
        [QueueTrigger(Queues.SomeQueueName)] ProcessFileArgs processFileArgs,
        string dealid,
        string emailaddress,
        string file,            
        [Blob("{fileFolder}/{Filename}", FileAccess.Read)] Stream input,
        TextWriter log,
        CancellationToken cancellationToke)

So if you run into this problem, check to make sure the parameter and attribute names match.