In C++, you got the header files (.h), the (.lib) files and the (.dll) files.
In Visual Studio, you provide the location to search for these files in three different places:
Configuration Properties => C/C++ => General => Additional Include directories. Here you list out the "include" directories that you want searched and made available.
Configuration Properties => Linker => General => Additional Library directories. Here you list out the "lib" directories that you want to be searched and made available.
Configuration Properties => Linker => Input => Additional dependencies. Here you explicitly specify the .lib files that want to include.
The questions are:
Q1: If you have specified the header file in #1 and the lib in #2, why/when would you want to specify anything in #3?
Q2: I see people including a specific debug or release version of a lib in #3. Can you specify either the debug or the release version of a lib in #3 and still build in release or debug mode? Ideally, which version of the library debug/release should be provided here?