Could you, please, give a code snippet showing how to use Lua embedded in OCaml?
A simple example could be a "Hello, World" variant. Have OCaml prompt the user for a name. Then pass that name to a Lua function. Have Lua print a greeting and return the length of the name. Then have OCaml print a message about the length of the name.
user@desktop:~$ ./hello.opt
Name? User
Hello, User.
Your name is 4 letters long.
As a non-C programmer, could I implement this without having to write an intermediary C program to pass the data between Lua and OCaml?
Following is a theoretical idea of what I would like to try. Unfortunately, line 3 of would need to know how to call the function defined in lua_hello.lua in order for the code to be valid.
lua_hello.lua Defines lua_hello, which prints an argument and returns its length.
1 function lua_hello (name)
2 print ("Hello, "".")
3 return (string.len (name))
4 end OCaml prompts for a name, calls the Lua function, and prints the return value.
1 let () = print_string "Name? "; flush stdout in
2 let name = input_line stdin in
3 let len = Lua_hello.lua_hello name in
4 Printf.printf "Your name is %d letters long." len; flush stdout;;