I have a function that I'm working on in Ocaml. It consists of a function that takes in two string lists and returns a string list. The function operates as follows. It scans each individual string in the first list and if it finds a corresponding match in the second list, it returns that match. If the second list has a duplicate match, the match would return twice. Here are test cases I've written that describe the expected behavior:
let test () : bool =
(in_both [] ["Pearl"; "Steven"]) = []
;; run_test "in_both empty name list 1" test
let test () : bool =
(in_both ["Pearl"; "Steven"] []) = []
;; run_test "in_both empty name list 2" test
let test () : bool =
(in_both ["Pearl"; "Amethyst"; "Henry"] ["Pearl"; "Steven"]) = ["Pearl"]
;; run_test "in_both one repeat in both lists" test
let test () : bool =
(in_both ["Pearl"; "Amethyst"; "Gary"; "Blair"] ["Pearl"; "Amethyst"; "Blair"])
= ["Pearl";"Amethyst";"Blair"]
;; run_test "in_both three different repeats in both lists" test
let test () : bool =
(in_both ["Garnet"; "Amethyst"; "Pearl"] ["Pearl"; "Pearl"])
= ["Pearl";"Pearl"]
;; run_test "in_both two repeat in second list" test
Here is my function implementation:
let rec in_both (names1: string list) (names2: string list) : string list =
begin match (names1, names2) with
|([],[])-> []
|([],hd2::tl2)-> []
|(hd1::tl1,[])-> []
|(hd1::tl1,hd2::tl2)->if contains_str names2 hd1 = true then hd1::in_both tl1
tl2 else in_both tl1 names2
All of my tests pass except the last test, where it looks like "Pearl"
does not print out twice when it should. What could I be doing wrong in my implementation? For reference, here is the function definition for the contains_str function that I called in in_both:
let rec contains_str (l: string list) (name: string) : bool =
begin match l with
|[]-> false
|hd::tl-> hd = name || contains_str tl name
Any help is appreciated!
in_both ["Pearl"; "Pearl"] ["Garnet"; "Amethyst"; "Pearl"]
? Or in other words isin_both a b == in_both b a
? – Goswin von Brederlow