
All of these start from a simple idea: How to write python-style formatted string in ocaml.

pythoners could init a string as:

str = "this var: %s" % this_var
str2 = "this: %s; that: %s" % (this_var, that_var)

but ocaml's formatted string code as :

let str = Printf.sprintf "this var: %s" this_var
let str2 = Printf.sprintf "this: %s; that: %s" this_var that_var

I believed I can do sth to make the ocaml string formating code python-like At first, I defined a function as below:

let (%) s x = Printf.sprintf s x

then, I can write directly as:

let str = "this: %s" % "sth"

but the simple function cannot handle more complex situations as two or more variables. so I wanted to write a little complex function to make it perfectly simulate the python way. I wrote it as below :

let (%) s li = 
  let split_list = Str.full_split (regexp "%[a-z]") s in
  let rec fmt result_str s_list x_list = match s_list with
    | [] -> result_str
    | shd::stl -> match shd with
       | Text t ->  fmt (result_str^t) stl x_list
       | Delim d -> match x_list with
          | [] -> fmt result_str stl []
          | xhd::xtl -> fmt (result_str^(Printf.sprintf d xhd)) stl xtl
  fmt "" split_list li

But the function just CANNOT work, because the type error and also ocaml's list cannot contains multiple types. if you write sth like: "name: %s; age: %d" % ["John"; 20] the ocaml compiler world laugh at the code and tell you some type ERROR.

Obviously, I must use Tuple to replace List. but I just do NOT konw how to tail-recursive a variable-length tuple.

any suggestion is welcomed. I have two question indeed.

  1. how to write a pythonic ocaml code to format string.
  2. If Ocaml cannot dynamically generate some string as format6 str and pass it to sprintf? for code:

    let s = "%s" in Printf.sprintf s "hello"

    would generate ERROR info as:

    Error: This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type ('a -> 'b, unit, string) format = ('a -> 'b, unit, string, string, string, string) format6


5 Answers


(1) I don't think there's a good way to do it that is going to be nicer than using Printf.sprintf directly. I mean, you can extend what you've already come up with:

let (%) = Printf.sprintf
let str3 = ("this: %s; that: %s; other: %s" % this_var) that_var other_var

which works, but is ugly because of the parentheses that are necessary for precedence.

(2) It's really hard to generate a format string at runtime because format strings are parsed at compile time. They may look like string literals, but they are actually a different type, which is "something format6". (it figures out whether you want a string or format string based on the inferred type) In fact, the exact type of a format string depends on what placeholders are in the format; that's the only way that it is able to type-check the number and types of format arguments. It's best not to mess with format strings because they are tied very heavily into the type system.


This is actually doable if your operator starts with a # character, since that character has a higher precedence than function application.

let (#%) = Printf.sprintf;;
val ( #% ) : ('a, unit, string) format -> 'a = <fun>
"Hello %s! Today's number is %d." #% "Pat" 42;;
- : string = "Hello Pat! Today's number is 42."

Why would one want to replace statically checked sprintf with some dynamic formatting? OCaml's Printf is both compact in usage and safe at runtime. Compare that to C printf which is compact but unsafe and C++ streams which are safe but verbose. Python's format is no way better than C printf (except that you get exception instead of crashdump).

The only imaginable use-case is format string coming from external source. And it is usually better to move it to compile-time. If it is not possible, then only one needs to fallback to manual dynamic formatting with error-handling (as already said you cannot use Printf with dynamic format string). BTW one such case - internationalization - is covered with existing libraries. Generally, if one wants to dynamically combine multiple values of different types, then one has to wrap them with variants (like ['S "hello"; 'I 20]) and pattern-match at printing side.


You should check out OCaml Batteries Included's extended/extensible printf. I have the feeling that you can do what you want with it.


If Ocaml cannot dynamically generate some string as format6 str and pass it to sprintf? for code:

let s = "%s" in Printf.sprintf s "hello"

What if we bypass the typing system...

external string_to_format :
 string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = "%identity"

let s = string_to_format "%s" in (Printf.sprintf s "hello" : string);;

I don't claim this to be the ultimate solution, but that's as far as I got after looking at the mailing list, http://pauillac.inria.fr/caml/FAQ/FAQ_EXPERT-eng.html#printf and ocaml's src.