I believe your question is the same as asking if mfence
has the same barrier semantics as the lock
-prefixed instructions on x86, or if it provides fewer1 or additional guarantees in some cases.
My current best answer is that it was Intel's intent and that the ISA documentation guarantees that mfence
and lock
ed instructions provide the same fencing semantics, but that due to implementation oversights, mfence
actually provides stronger fencing semantics on recent hardware (since at least Haswell). In particular, mfence
can fence a subsequent non-temporal load from a WC-type memory region, while lock
ed instructions do not.
We know this because Intel tells us this in processor errata such as HSD162 (Haswell) and SKL155 (Skylake) which tell us that locked instructions don't fence a subsequent non-temporal read from WC-memory:
MOVNTDQA From WC Memory May Pass Earlier Locked Instructions
Problem: An execution of (V)MOVNTDQA (streaming load instruction) that loads from WC (write combining) memory may appear to pass an
earlier locked instruction that accesses a different cache line.
Implication: Software that expects a lock to fence subsequent (V)MOVNTDQA instructions may not operate properly.
Workaround: None identified. Software that relies on a locked instruction to fence subsequent executions of (V)MOVNTDQA
should insert an MFENCE instruction between the locked instruction
and subsequent (V)MOVNTDQA instruction.
From this, we can determine that (1) Intel probably intended that locked instructions fence NT loads from WC-type memory, or else this wouldn't be an errata0.5 and (2) that locked instructions don't actually do that, and Intel wasn't able to or chose not to fix this with a microcode update, and mfence
is recommended instead.
In Skylake, mfence
actually lost its additional fencing capability with respect to NT loads, as per SKL079: MOVNTDQA From WC Memory May Pass Earlier MFENCE Instructions - this has pretty much the same text as the lock
-instruction errata, but applies to mfence
. However, the status of this errata is "It is possible for the BIOS to contain a workaround for this erratum.", which is generally Intel-speak for "a microcode update addresses this".
This sequence of errata can perhaps be explained by timing: the Haswell errata only appears in early 2016, years after the the release of that processor, so we can assume the issue came to Intel's attention some moderate amount of time before that. At this point Skylake was almost certainly already out in the wild, with apparently a less conservative mfence
implementation which also didn't fence NT loads on WC-type memory regions. Fixing the way locked instructions works all the way back to Haswell was probably either impossible or expensive based on their wide use, but some way was needed to fence NT loads. mfence
apparently already did the job on Haswell, and Skylake would be fixed so that mfence
worked there too.
It doesn't really explain why SKL079 (the mfence
one) appeared in January 2016, nearly two years before SKL155 (the locked
one) appeared in late 2017, or why the latter appeared so much after the identical Haswell errata, however.
One might speculate on what Intel will do in the future. Since they weren't able/willing to change the lock
instruction for Haswell through Skylake, representing hundreds of million (billions?) of deployed chips, they'll never be able to guarantee that locked instructions fence NT loads, so they might consider making this the documented, architected behavior in the future. Or they might update the locked instructions, so they do fence such reads, but as a practical matter you can't rely on this probably for a decade or more, until chips with the current non-fencing behavior are almost out of circulation.
Similar to Haswell, according to BV116 and BJ138, NT loads may pass earlier locked instructions on Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge, respectively. It's possible that earlier microarchitectures also suffer from this issue. This "bug" does not seem to exist in Broadwell and microarchitectures after Skylake.
Peter Cordes has written a bit about the Skylake mfence
change at the end of this answer.
The remaining part of this answer is my original answer, before I knew about the errata, and which is left mostly for historical interest.
Old Answer
My informed guess at the answer is that mfence
provides additional barrier functionality: between accesses using weakly-ordered instructions (e.g., NT stores) and perhaps between accesses weakly-ordered regions (e.g., WC-type memory).
That said, this is just an informed guess and you'll find details of my investigation below.
It isn't exactly clear the extent that the memory consistency effects of mfence
differs that provided by lock
-prefixed instruction (including xchg
with a memory operand, which is implicitly locked).
I think it is safe to say that solely with respect to write-back memory regions and not involving any non-temporal accesses, mfence
provides the same ordering semantics as lock
-prefixed operation.
What is open for debate is whether mfence
differs at all from lock
-prefixed instructions when it comes to scenarios outside the above, in particular when accesses involve regions other than WB regions or when non-temporal (streaming) operations are involved.
For example, you can find some suggestions (such as here or here) that mfence
implies strong barrier semantics when WC-type operations (e.g., NT stores) are involved.
For example, quoting Dr. McCalpin in this thread (emphasis added):
The fence instruction is only needed to be absolutely sure that all of
the non-temporal stores are visible before a subsequent "ordinary"
store. The most obvious case where this matters is in a parallel
code, where the "barrier" at the end of a parallel region may include
an "ordinary" store. Without a fence, the processor might still have
modified data in the Write-Combining buffers, but pass through the
barrier and allow other processors to read "stale" copies of the
write-combined data. This scenario might also apply to a single
thread that is migrated by the OS from one core to another core (not
sure about this case).
I can't remember the detailed reasoning (not enough coffee yet this
morning), but the instruction you want to use after the non-temporal
stores is an MFENCE. According to Section 8.2.5 of Volume 3 of the
SWDM, the MFENCE is the only fence instruction that prevents both
subsequent loads and subsequent stores from being executed ahead of
the completion of the fence. I am surprised that this is not
mentioned in Section 11.3.1, which tells you how important it is to
manually ensure coherence when using write-combining, but does not
tell you how to do it!
Let's check out the referenced section 8.2.5 of the Intel SDM:
Strengthening or Weakening the Memory-Ordering Model
The Intel 64 and
IA-32 architectures provide several mechanisms for strengthening or
weakening the memory- ordering model to handle special programming
situations. These mechanisms include:
• The I/O instructions, locking
instructions, the LOCK prefix, and serializing instructions force
stronger ordering on the processor.
• The SFENCE instruction
(introduced to the IA-32 architecture in the Pentium III processor)
and the LFENCE and MFENCE instructions (introduced in the Pentium 4
processor) provide memory-ordering and serialization capabilities for
specific types of memory operations.
These mechanisms can be used as follows:
Memory mapped devices and
other I/O devices on the bus are often sensitive to the order of
writes to their I/O buffers. I/O instructions can be used to (the IN
and OUT instructions) impose strong write ordering on such accesses as
follows. Prior to executing an I/O instruction, the processor waits
for all previous instructions in the program to complete and for all
buffered writes to drain to memory. Only instruction fetch and page
tables walks can pass I/O instructions. Execution of subsequent
instructions do not begin until the processor determines that the I/O
instruction has been completed.
Synchronization mechanisms in multiple-processor systems may depend
upon a strong memory-ordering model. Here, a program can use a locking
instruction such as the XCHG instruction or the LOCK prefix to ensure
that a read-modify-write operation on memory is carried out
atomically. Locking operations typically operate like I/O operations
in that they wait for all previous instructions to complete and for
all buffered writes to drain to memory (see Section 8.1.2, “Bus
Program synchronization can also be carried out with
serializing instructions (see Section 8.3). These instructions are
typically used at critical procedure or task boundaries to force
completion of all previous instructions before a jump to a new section
of code or a context switch occurs. Like the I/O and locking
instructions, the processor waits until all previous instructions have
been completed and all buffered writes have been drained to memory
before executing the serializing instruction.
MFENCE instructions provide a performance-efficient way of ensuring
load and store memory ordering between routines that produce
weakly-ordered results and routines that consume that data. The
functions of these instructions are as follows:
• SFENCE — Serializes
all store (write) operations that occurred prior to the SFENCE
instruction in the program instruction stream, but does not affect
load operations.
• LFENCE — Serializes all load (read) operations that
occurred prior to the LFENCE instruction in the program instruction
stream, but does not affect store operations.
• MFENCE — Serializes
all store and load operations that occurred prior to the MFENCE
instruction in the program instruction stream.
Note that the SFENCE,
LFENCE, and MFENCE instructions provide a more efficient method of
controlling memory ordering than the CPUID instruction.
Contrary to Dr. McCalpin's interpretation2, I see this section as somewhat ambiguous as to whether mfence
does something extra. The three sections referring to IO, locked instructions and serializing instructions do imply that they provide a full barrier between memory operations before and after the operation. They don't make any exception for weakly ordered memory and in the case of the IO instructions, one would also assume they need to work in a consistent way with weakly ordered memory regions since such are often used for IO.
Then the section for the FENCE
instructions, it explicitly mentions weak memory regions: "The SFENCE, LFENCE, and MFENCE instructions **provide a performance-efficient way of ensuring load and store memory ordering between routines that produce weakly-ordered results and routines that consume that data."
Do we read between the lines and take this to mean that these are the only instructions that accomplish this and that the previously mentioned techniques (including locked instructions) don't help for weak memory regions? We can find some support for this idea by noting that fence instructions were introduced3 at the same time as weakly-ordered non-temporal store instructions, and by text like that found in 11.6.13 Cacheability Hint Instructions dealing specifically with weakly ordered instructions:
The degree to which a consumer of data knows that the data is weakly
ordered can vary for these cases. As a result, the SFENCE or MFENCE
instruction should be used to ensure ordering between routines that
produce weakly-ordered data and routines that consume the data. SFENCE
and MFENCE provide a performance-efficient way to ensure ordering by
guaranteeing that every store instruction that precedes SFENCE/MFENCE
in program order is globally visible before a store instruction that
follows the fence.
Again, here the fence instructions are specifically mentioned to be appropriate for fencing weakly ordered instructions.
We also find support for the idea that locked instruction might not provide a barrier between weakly ordered accesses from the last sentence already quoted above:
Note that the SFENCE,
LFENCE, and MFENCE instructions provide a more efficient method of
controlling memory ordering than the CPUID instruction.
Here is basically implies that the FENCE
instructions essentially replace a functionality previously offered by the serializing cpuid
in terms of memory ordering. However, if lock
-prefixed instructions provided the same barrier capability as cpuid
, that would likely have been the previously suggested way, since these are in general much faster than cpuid
which often takes 200 or more cycles. The implication being that there were scenarios (probably weakly ordered scenarios) that lock
-prefixed instructions didn't handle, and where cpuid
was being used, and where mfence
is now suggested as a replacement, implying stronger barrier semantics than lock
-prefixed instructions.
However, we could interpret some of the above in a different way: note that in the context of the fence instructions it is often mentioned that they are performance-efficient way to ensure ordering. So it could be that these instructions are not intended to provide additional barriers, but simply more efficient barriers for.
Indeed, sfence
at a few cycles is much faster than serializing instructions like cpuid
or lock
-prefixed instructions which are generally 20 cycles or more. On the other hand mfence
isn't generally faster than locked instructions4, at least on modern hardware. Still, it could have been faster when introduced, or on some future design, or perhaps it was expected to be faster but that didn't pan out.
So I can't make a certain assessment based on these sections of the manual: I think you can make a reasonable argument that it could be interpreted either way.
We can further look at documentation for various non-temporal store instructions in the Intel ISA guide. For example, in the documentation for the non-temporal store movnti
you find the following quote:
Because the WC protocol uses a weakly-ordered memory consistency
model, a fencing operation implemented with the SFENCE or MFENCE
instruction should be used in conjunction with MOVNTI instructions if
multiple processors might use different memory types to read/write the
destination memory locations.
The part about "if multiple processors might use different memory types to read/write the destination memory locations" is a bit confusing to me. I would expect this rather to say something like "to enforce ordering in the globally visible write order between instructions using weakly ordered hints" or something like that. Indeed, the actual memory type (e.g., as defined by the MTTR) probably doesn't even come into play here: the ordering issues can arise solely in WB-memory when using weakly ordered instructions.
The mfence
instruction is reported to take 33 cycles (back-to-back latency) on modern CPUs based on Agner fog's instruction timing, but a more complex locked instructon like lock cmpxchg
is reported to take only 18 cycles.
If mfence
provided barrier semantics no stronger than lock cmpxchg
, the latter is doing strictly more work and there is no apparent reason for mfence
to take significantly longer. Of course you could argue that lock cmpxchg
is simply more important than mfence
and hence gets more optimization. This argument is weakened by the fact that all of the locked instructions are considerably faster than mfence
, even infrequently used ones. Also, you would imagine that if there were a single barrier implementation shared by all the lock
instructions, mfence
would simply use the same one as that's the simplest and easiest to validation.
So the slower performance of mfence
is, in my opinion, significant evidence that mfence
is doing some extra.
0.5 This isn't a water-tight argument. Some things may appear in errata that are apparently "by design" and not a bug, such as popcnt
false dependency on destination register - so some errata can be considered a form of documentation to update expectations rather than always implying a hardware bug.
1 Evidently, the lock
-prefixed instruction also perform an atomic operation which isn't possible to achieve solely with mfence
, so the lock
-prefixed instructions definitely have additional functionality. Therefore, for mfence
to be useful, we would expect it either to have additional barrier semantics in some scenarios, or to perform better.
2 It is also entirely possible that he was reading a different version of the manual where the prose was different.
in SSE, lfence
and mfence
in SSE2.
4 And often it's slower: Agner has it listed at 33 cycles latency on recent hardware, while locked instructions are usually about 20 cycles.
lock add [mem], 0
orlock or [mem], 0
orlock and [mem], -1
have been used in place ofmfence
on microarchitectures wheremfence
is particularly slow. The trick is finding a memory location that is guaranteed to be accessible, in cache, but not in use. I seem to remember a decent offset from the stack pointer being used for[mem]
. – EOFlock add
for use as a memory barrier. – Peter Cordesmov [shared], eax
is compatible withxchg [shared], eax
as a way to implementshared.store(eax, std::memory_order_seq_cst)
. But as BeeOnRope's answer points out,mfence
having lower back-to-back throughput suggests that it's doing something different, and maybelock
ed ops aren't fencing NT stores. – Peter Cordes