I tried to create Kibana and Elasticsearch and it seems that Kibana is having trouble identifying Elasticsearch.
Here are my steps:
1) Create network
docker network create mynetwork --driver=bridge
2) Run Elasticsearch Container
docker run -d -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 --name elasticsearch_2_4 --network mynetwork elasticsearch:2.4
3) Run Kibana Container
docker run -i --network mynetwork -p 5601:5601 kibana:4.6
I get a JSON output when I connect to Elasticsearch via http://localhost:9200/ through my browser.
But when I open http://localhost:5601/ I get
Unable to connect to Elasticsearch at http://elasticsearch:9200.
Alternate Approach,
I still get a similar error when I try
docker run -d -e ELASTICSEARCH_URL= -p 5601:5601 kibana:4.6
where I get the error
Unable to connect to Elasticsearch at
My blog post based on the accepted answer: https://gunith.github.io/docker-kibana-elasticsearch/