I've a VM which contains Docker and Elasticsearch (OS: Centos7). I would like to create a Kibana docker and connect with my ES.
The ES contains indices, if I type curl -s http://localhost:9200/_cat/indices I got the list of indices.
I used Dockerfile to create my Kibana image:
docker build -t="kibana_test" .
docker run --name kibana -e ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://@IP:9200 -e XPACK_SECURITY_ENABLED=false -p 5600:5601 -d kibana_test
Well, if I put the address IP of my machine, I got this :
plugin:[email protected] Request Timeout after 3000ms
And in my Docker logs I got thi message:
License information from the X-Pack plugin could not be obtained from Elasticsearch for the [data] cluster
How can I resolve this problem ?
Thanks for advance!
which IP ? – Thanh Nguyen Vancurl -s
– Thanh Nguyen Van