The design to be tested is written in VHDL and uses unconstrained records like this for its ports:
type forward_stream is record
data : std_ulogic_vector;
-- further members
end record;
These ports should now be driven from a systemverilog testbench. Is there any way to use the vhdl record type for the testbench signals? If so how do I constrain the record in systemverilog?
Or do I have to create a VHDL package that constrains the record and provides it as a type to be used in the testbench?
As HDL support varies largely between tools, I am asking about questasim (modelsim's big brother, same vendor so supposedly somewhat downward compatible) in particular.
I gathered the following from the Questa SIM user manual for 10.4:
- A record is mapped to a struct/packed struct (Table 9-5)
- Subtypes are not mentioned in Table 9-5
I tried:
- using a subtype in system verilog to connect to a port of the unconstrained type
- using a subtype in system verilog to connect to a port of the unconstrained type with constraints
- using a subtype in system verilog to connect to a port of the subtype
- using the unconstrained type (without constraints) in system verilog to connect to a port of the unconstrained type with constraints.
Sample code:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
package module_crosslanguage_pkg is
type t is record
s : std_ulogic_vector(2 downto 0);
c : std_logic_vector;
end record;
subtype t_s is t(c(1 downto 0));
end package;
use work.module_crosslanguage_pkg.all;
entity dummy_test is
port(a : in t); -- 1.
port(a : in t(c(1 downto 0))); -- 2.
port(a : in t_s); -- 3.
port(a : in t(c(1 downto 0))); -- 4.
end entity;
architecture a of dummy_test is
System Verilog
module modulebay_testbench();
import module_crosslanguage_pkg::*;
t_s testsignal;
t testsignal2;
dummy_test u(.a(testsignal)); -- 1., 2., 3.
dummy_test u(.a(testsignal2)); -- 4.
The error is always Fatal: (vsim-3362) The type of VHDL port 'a' is invalid for Verilog connection (1st connection).