I have a wizard in which there is a one2many field. I made a button in each line of the one2many which calls another wizard made by me. This wizard is for modifying some values of the selected line.
My purpose is to return the first wizard, with the new changes, when you click on the Apply button of my wizard.
The first wizard has a one2many field with three records:
- Product A | 1 ud | Source location X | Dest location Y | Lot A1
- Product B | 2 ud | Source location X | Dest location Y | Lot B1
- Product C | 3 ud | Source location X | Dest location Y | Lot C1
Now, I click on the first line button I made (each line has one), and my wizard is opened. Here I can modify the lot of the first line (the one with the Product A). Imagine I set Lot A0 and click on Apply.
I should return to the parent wizard, and see the same data except for the changes made. So the result will be:
- Product A | 1 ud | Source location X | Dest location Y | Lot A0
- Product B | 2 ud | Source location X | Dest location Y | Lot B1
- Product C | 3 ud | Source location X | Dest location Y | Lot C1
Does anyone know how to achieve this? How could I preserve the first wizard data?