I'm writing a SSRS report contains 2 datasets:
CustomerAddressDS : select customer_id, customer_name, customer_address from tbl_customer_address where customer_id = @Internal_Parameter_Customer_ID
CustomerOrderDS : select customer_id, order_date, order_number from tbl_customer_orders where order_date = @Parameter_OrderDate
For some reason, I could not join both CustomerAddressDS and CustomerOrderDS into one SQL.
In the report, 2 parameters are set:
@Parameter_OrderDate are used for user to select a date for CustomerOrderDS
@Internal_Parameter_Customer_ID is an internal parameter and the default value will be referring to customer_id of dataset CustomerOrderDS
The report layout should be like:
In Report Header
Customer ID
Customer Name
Customer Address
(Customer ID, Customer Name, Customer Address) are put into one textbox by using expression.
In Report Body:
A tablix bound to CustomerOrderDS to store the customer's daily orders :
Total of the date: XXXXX
The tablix is grouped by the customer ID and will be page break when changing customer ID. My question is that when changing customer ID in the tablix, how could I make the Customer ID/Name/Address on the report header changed? It seems aggregate function in the report header could not help in my case.
Any help would be highly appreciated.