
New to SSRS, we asked me to create a simple report on SSRS, linked to a Sharepoint List.

The Report consists of a tablix with two columns: Client and the number of orders they passed. The first column is only containing the sharepoint field "Client Name", and the report generate automatically a list of Clients based on the content of the Sharepoint List. The Column is also used as a group by to the Tablix, to group the results by Client Name.

My second column is an expression :

=Count(Fields!ID.Value, "Client")

The column is working nearly accordingly to my willing : the report displays the number of orders by client in the list, but... When a client has more than one order, the count is displayed the same number of times.

How can i prevent that? I tried a Running Value solution, or only count.. But if the results are not the right one, the same problem is occuring : The report tablix have as much rows than elements list.

Picture for helping, because my english is far for perfect. Image of the multiples rows


1 Answers


You can set client column in group expression in Details section. Check below screen shot, It will help you.

enter image description here