Is it possible to inspect the visibility (Collapsed/Expanded) of a textbox in SSRS and use this in an expression?
For example :
=iif(Fields!column1 Is Visible,"Use this label","Use this other label")
What I want to accomplish to have the initial value of a column header display some text, when user clicks a particular value the details row are displayed (this is a Tablix), and then the header would change to something else (E.g. initial report state is to hide detail rows and only show Tablix member totals so column displays "... total", when user expands to view details column header changes to "... number".
In MS Access through VBA I could inspect the visible property and create code based on this. Till now haven't found a similar way of doing this in SSRS 2016.
Tried setting expressions for visibility as well as setting expressions for changing value of a textbox.
=IIF(Fields!accountnum.Value IS NOTHING OR Fields!accountnum.Value = TRUE,"Station #", "Station Count")
No error messages. My results should be to change header (textbox) value based on whether detail rows are collapsed (hidden) or expanded (visible).