I am converting one crystal report to SSRS In which There are multiple group header having expression like
IIF(Fields!MainGroupOrder.Value = 2 And Fields!DaysOrHours.Value = "Hours",IIF(Sum(Fields!Count_01.Value) = 0, 0, Sum(Fields!Jan_CountTurnTime.Value)/Sum(Fields!Count_01.Value)/60),IIF(Sum(Fields!Count_01.Value) = 0, 0, Sum(Fields!Jan_CountTurnTime.Value)/Sum(Fields!Count_01.Value))/60/9)
There are 12 such statements in each row with 5 rows
This row with 12 columns has visibility condition at row level
When I am viewing report after removing these expression, Report is taking 37 seconds to render With same parameter when I am rendering report with these expression It is taking 1 minutes and 20 seconds (these expressions are not visible with given parameters)
I read somewhere that SSRS after 2005 does not calculate hidden column till its not used in any other visible condition Then why time is increasing on inclusion of these expression even though these are not visible and also not used in any visible condition
Can you explain why and it would be great if you can help me in decreasing the time this report is taking due to these expression which are not visible