I have a class in Common Lisp:
(defclass my-cool-class()
:initarg :variable1
:accessor variable1
:initform (error "Must supply value to variable1"))
:initarg :variable2
:accessor variable2
:initform (error "Must supply value to variable2"))
I wanted to create a macro that would simplify this redundancy of typing
(defmacro make-slot (slot-name)
:initarg :,slot-name
:accessor :,slot-name
:initform (error "Must supply value")))
Eventually I'd like to have (defclass my-cool-class () (make-slots '(foo bar baz)) and get foo, bar, and baz out as slots automagically.
But, when I went to do a macroexpand-1
of make-slot, boy howdy did I get reader errors.
The first one was "illegal terminating character after a colon..." and then it kept going.
SBCL 1.0.37.
edit: the examples are syntactically correct on the system, I did some redaction before I copied.
Six months later -
(defun build-var (classname var)
(list var
:initform nil
:accessor (intern (concatenate 'string (string classname) "-"
(string var)))
:initarg (intern (string var) :keyword)))
(defun build-varlist (classname varlist)
(loop for var in varlist
collect (build-var classname var)))
(defmacro defobject (name &rest varlist)
"Defines a class with a set of behavior.
Variables are accessed by name-varname.
(defobject classname v1 v2 v3)
`(defclass ,name ()
,(build-varlist name varlist))):
Two and a half years later.
I discovered the six-month-old code in the wild elsewhere. While I'm flattered, it also reminds me to update this.
If you like this idea, I keep this code gardened at: https://github.com/pnathan/defobject . As before, its goal is to produce CLOS classes with the minimum of repetitive typing. A similar system exists called DEFCLASS-STAR. Interested parties are advised to review both.