Given the following definition of the LISP eval function - what is required to add the defmacro
function? (Or even just evaluate a macro)
(defun null. (x)
(eq x '()))
(defun and. (x y)
(cond (x (cond (y 't) ('t '())))
('t '())))
(defun not. (x)
(cond (x '())
('t 't)))
(defun append. (x y)
(cond ((null. x) y)
('t (cons (car x) (append. (cdr x) y)))))
(defun list. (x y)
(cons x (cons y '())))
(defun pair. (x y)
(cond ((and. (null. x) (null. y)) '())
((and. (not. (atom x)) (not. (atom y)))
(cons (list. (car x) (car y))
(pair. (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
(defun assoc. (x y)
(cond ((eq (caar y) x) (cadar y))
('t (assoc. x (cdr y)))))
(defun eval. (e a)
((atom e) (assoc. e a))
((atom (car e))
((eq (car e) 'quote) (cadr e))
((eq (car e) 'atom) (atom (eval. (cadr e) a)))
((eq (car e) 'eq) (eq (eval. (cadr e) a)
(eval. (caddr e) a)))
((eq (car e) 'car) (car (eval. (cadr e) a)))
((eq (car e) 'cdr) (cdr (eval. (cadr e) a)))
((eq (car e) 'cons) (cons (eval. (cadr e) a)
(eval. (caddr e) a)))
((eq (car e) 'cond) (evcon. (cdr e) a))
('t (eval. (cons (assoc. (car e) a)
(cdr e))
((eq (caar e) 'label)
(eval. (cons (caddar e) (cdr e))
(cons (list. (cadar e) (car e)) a)))
((eq (caar e) 'lambda)
(eval. (caddar e)
(append. (pair. (cadar e) (evlis. (cdr e) a))
(defun evcon. (c a)
(cond ((eval. (caar c) a)
(eval. (cadar c) a))
('t (evcon. (cdr c) a))))
(defun evlis. (m a)
(cond ((null. m) '())
('t (cons (eval. (car m) a)
(evlis. (cdr m) a)))))
(eval '(car '(a a)) )