I have run into this problem... I have two macros that look very similar
(import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory)
(defmacro with-thread-manager [tm & body]
{:pre [(and (vector? tm) (= 1 (count tm)))]}
`(let [~(first tm) (ManagementFactory/getThreadMXBean)]
(defmacro with-os-manager [tm & body]
{:pre [(and (vector? tm) (= 1 (count tm)))]}
`(let [~(first tm) (ManagementFactory/getOperatingSystemMXBean)]
they are used as follows:
(defn thread-count []
(with-thread-manager [tm] (.getThreadCount tm)))
;; => 12
(defn application-cpu-time []
(with-os-manager [osm] (.getProcessCpuTime osm)))
;; => 71260000000
I wish to generalise the two with-*-manager
into another macro so that I can simpify them like this:
(defmanagementblock with-thread-manager (ManagementFactory/getThreadMXBean))
(defmanagementblock with-os-manager (ManagementFactory/getOperatingSystemMXBean))
so the easiest way I knew was to change the macro a little bit
(defmacro with-thread-manager [tm & body]
{:pre [(and (vector? tm) (= 1 (count tm)))]}
(apply list 'let [(first tm) '(ManagementFactory/getThreadMXBean)]
and to write the block:
(defmacro defmanageblock [name MANAGER]
(list 'defmacro name '[tm & body]
'{:pre [(and (vector? tm) (= 1 (count tm)))]}
(list 'apply 'list ''let (vector '(first tm) 'MANAGER)
everything goes well except the MANAGER does not quote properly. I've tried a bunch of quoting and unquoting option like '
, ` , ~'
and many other variations of it. but it does not give the right value.