For this question, argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter
is helpful to me.
Now, I want to share how do I use the argparse
I know it may not be related to question,
but these questions have been bothered me for a while.
So I want to share my experience, hope that will be helpful for someone.
Here we go.
3rd Party Modules
colorama: for change the text color: pip install colorama
Makes ANSI escape character sequences (for producing colored terminal text and cursor positioning) work under MS Windows
import colorama
from colorama import Fore, Back
from pathlib import Path
from os import startfile, system
SCRIPT_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
def main(args):
if __name__ == '__main__':
from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter
format_text = FormatText([(20, '<'), (60, '<')])
yellow_dc = format_text.new_dc(fore_color=Fore.YELLOW)
green_dc = format_text.new_dc(fore_color=Fore.GREEN)
red_dc = format_text.new_dc(fore_color=Fore.RED, back_color=Back.LIGHTYELLOW_EX)
script_description = \
'\n'.join([desc for desc in
[f'\n{green_dc(f"python {Path(__file__).name} [REFERENCE TEMPLATE] [OUTPUT FILE NAME]")} to create template.',
f'{green_dc(f"python {Path(__file__).name} -l *")} to get all available template',
f'{green_dc(f"python {Path(__file__).name} -o open")} open template directory so that you can put your template file there.',
# <- add your own description
arg_parser = ArgumentParser(description=yellow_dc('CREATE TEMPLATE TOOL'),
# conflict_handler='resolve',
usage=script_description, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter)
arg_parser.add_argument("ref", help="reference template", nargs='?')
arg_parser.add_argument("outfile", help="output file name", nargs='?')
arg_parser.add_argument("action_number", help="action number", nargs='?', type=int)
arg_parser.add_argument('--list', "-l", dest='list',
help=f"example: {green_dc('-l *')} \n"
"description: list current available template. (accept regex)")
arg_parser.add_argument('--option', "-o", dest='option',
help='\n'.join([format_text(msg_data_list) for msg_data_list in [
['example', 'description'],
[green_dc('-o open'), 'open template directory so that you can put your template file there.'],
[green_dc('-o run'), '...'],
[green_dc('-o ...'), '...'],
# <- add your own description
g_args = arg_parser.parse_args()
task_run_list = [[False, lambda: startfile('.')] if g_args.option == 'open' else None,
[False, lambda: [print(template_file_path.stem) for template_file_path in TEMPLATE_DIR.glob(f'{g_args.list}.py')]] if g_args.list else None,
# <- add your own function
for leave_flag, func in [task_list for task_list in task_run_list if task_list]:
if leave_flag:
for attr_name, value in vars(g_args).items():
if attr_name.startswith('-') or value is not None:
print(f'error required values of {red_dc(attr_name)} is None')
print(f"if you need help, please use help command to help you: {red_dc(f'python {__file__} -h')}")
Where the class of FormatText
is the following
class FormatText:
__slots__ = ['align_list']
def __init__(self, align_list: list, autoreset=True):
format_text = FormatText([(20, '<'), (60, '<')])
red_dc = format_text.new_dc(fore_color=Fore.RED)
print(red_dc(['column 1', 'column 2']))
print(red_dc('good morning'))
:param align_list:
:param autoreset:
self.align_list = align_list
def __call__(self, text_list: list):
if len(text_list) != len(self.align_list):
if isinstance(text_list, str):
return text_list
raise AttributeError
return ' '.join(f'{txt:{flag}{int_align}}' for txt, (int_align, flag) in zip(text_list, self.align_list))
def new_dc(self, fore_color: Fore = Fore.GREEN, back_color: Back = ""): # DECORATOR
"""create a device context"""
def wrap(msgs):
return back_color + fore_color + self(msgs) + Fore.RESET
return wrap
, not the interpreter, so switching to"""..."""
won't help. – kennytm