My objective here is to remove all the markers added to leaflet using layer group for a paginated listing page.When navigated to other page i am able to remove layer group of previous page, but on adding new layer group of markers(markers of next page) i am getting this error in browser and markers are not added to the map
error is - Uncaught TypeError: layer.onAdd is not a function;
code is
var leaflet_factory = {
//initializing map container
initialize: function() {
var map ='mapresults');
var googleLayer = new L.Google('ROADMAP');
//set view of mao
setview: function(lat, long, zoom) {
map.setView([lat, long], zoom);
//add list of markers to maps
addMarkersList: function(marker_array) {
var markerArray = [];
$.each(marker_array, function(key, data) {
var marker_pointer = L.marker([, data.long]).bindPopup('<a href="/' + $(this).attr('data-slug') + '"><strong>' + $(this).attr('data-vendor').capitalize() + '</strong><br></a>' + $(this).attr('data-location').capitalize());
window.page_makers_layer = L.layerGroup(markerArray);
//remove the current marker layer group
removeMarkerLayer: function() {
The problem with the above code is when calling addMarkersList for first time after initializing the map container it works. But when i call addMarkerList with new list of markers(lat long pair) after calling removeMarkerLayer to remove existing marker layer it gives me following error which i am trying to debug.
Uncaught TypeError: layer.onAdd is not a function
Please point where i am doing wrong.
scope only. – ghybs