i tried to find many things regards this but i can't make it work. what i want is when click on marker map got center on that location and got full zoom. for example i have total 23 markers on all around Unites states and initial map zoom is 4. what i want is if user click on marker in map then map center change to that marker lat, lng and got zoom in for suppose to 14 from 4. markeres are render already i don't want markers renders in function MyMapComponent. it come from API data. there is no clue how to do. i tried useMapEvents but it works on map click not marker click and if i use markers eventHandlers click i can't call map useMapEvents to set lat, lng and change zoom.
Here is my code:
function MyMapComponent() {
const map = useMapEvents({
click: () => {
let data = {lat: 46.8835319, lng: -114.0348327}
map.flyTo(data, 18)
return null}
above code is i need to change map center and zoom
<div className="project-view-section">
<MapContainer bounds={outerBounds} center={[37.2755, -104.6571]} zoom={mapOptions.zoom} scrollWheelZoom={false}>
<MyMapComponent />
<LayersControl position="topright">
<LayersControl.BaseLayer checked name="Mapbox Satellite">
attribution="Map data © <a href="https://www.mapbox.com/">Mapbox</a>"
<LayersControl.BaseLayer name="Mapbox Streets">
attribution="Map data © <a href="https://www.mapbox.com/">Mapbox</a>"
state.markersData.map((element, index) =>
eventHandlers={{click: () => {test()},}}>
is there any way to accomplish this?